A low carbohydrate, healthy fat (LCHF) lifestyle as well as Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction (TCR) have been well researched and numerous scientific publications demonstrate that such nutritional and lifestyle approaches to healing our metabolism truly work.
This is not a fad diet, it is a change in nutritional intake and one's approach to lifestyle and health. The truth is that reducing and/or restricting carbohydrate consumption can improve and/or put into remission conditions like pre-diabetes, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and high blood pressure.
As a coach I am dedicated to providing the highest quality education, based on solid research findings and strong outcome data demonstrating that a low carbohydrate and healthy fat lifestyle can reverse obesity, weight gain, pre-diabetes, diabetes, cancer, migraines and so much more. As a life style approach, along with intermittent fasting, we all can recover from the damage done to our metabolism from eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) for so long. This lifestyle approach can and does heal our metabolism and restores us to health.
I stay up-to-date and use evidence-based practices from the likes of Dr. Tim Noakes and the Nutrition Network, Dr. Ben Bikman, Dr. Robert Cywes, Dr.D'Agostino, Dr. Robert Lustig, Dr. Nasha Winters, and so many more, to ensure that you receive the best information possible to make the best healing choices for your unique metabolism and individual journey back to health.
I follow and train with outstanding researchers in their field. I practice a positive psychology approach to change by focusing on our strengths instead of our weaknesses. We celebrate the small wins, everyday, and look for opportunities to learn and to grow while being supported along the way.
I specialize in working with women over 50, but I also work with anyone motivated to make lifestyle changes. I can't wait to get started and to join you on your journey.